I've posted on blogging before therefore it'll not be added in this post as a method of making money online: If you're a dedicated reader of this blog you must have seen the post, sorry i can't link it here now because I'm tight right now. But I'll certainly give you guys a complete tutorial on this.
Well talking about blogging in Nigeria and infact the world people like Linda ikeji who's making over 30,000,000naira monthly from her blog and other prestigious bloggers like the owner of ogbonge blog, bella naija e.t.c. cannot be put aside because they're gurus in this field.
And by God's grace and your dedicated support bestdeals9ja.com will surely get there too and better.
And by God's grace and your dedicated support bestdeals9ja.com will surely get there too and better.
That's why I'm urging you to share to site to your social networks. Tell people around you about us and so on.
Well without wasting time see this methods of earning huge income online.
If you're a dedicated reader here don't also forget I talked about freelancing some time ago.
Fiverr is a freelance site but I decided to separate it out since it's a wonderful platform.
If you're a dedicated reader here don't also forget I talked about freelancing some time ago.
Fiverr is a freelance site but I decided to separate it out since it's a wonderful platform.
Fiverr may not be popular in Nigeria
because it is related to PAYPAL, but
Fiverr is another fast way of making
cool money online. Are you good in
web designing, are you good in
posting comments, if you know that
you are good in anything, just log on
to Fiverr, register and post your Gig.
because it is related to PAYPAL, but
Fiverr is another fast way of making
cool money online. Are you good in
web designing, are you good in
posting comments, if you know that
you are good in anything, just log on
to Fiverr, register and post your Gig.
A Gig in this sense is a paying Job.
You will post what you can do,
buyers or people will contact you,
and you deliver the service and get
In this way, you can use one minute
to make $5 depending on the Gig you
Get ebook guides on this and much more CLICK HERE
You will post what you can do,
buyers or people will contact you,
and you deliver the service and get
In this way, you can use one minute
to make $5 depending on the Gig you
Get ebook guides on this and much more CLICK HERE
2. Online SMS
If one buy an SMS for N1 per unit
and sell it for N2.5 per unit. Isn’t that
a profit of N1.5 Naira?
If one buy an SMS for N1 per unit
and sell it for N2.5 per unit. Isn’t that
a profit of N1.5 Naira?
If you can sell thousands of units to
churches, wedding celebrants, schools, firms, government parastatal, etc. estimate
your profit.
Online SMS is one major
tools one can hit it big online. The
advantage you have now is that it is
not well exploited in Nigeria, and the
goods is durable, it doesn’t get spoilt
with time. So what are you waiting
for? Rush now to have your own
Online SMS site and make some cool
cash daily.
churches, wedding celebrants, schools, firms, government parastatal, etc. estimate
your profit.
Online SMS is one major
tools one can hit it big online. The
advantage you have now is that it is
not well exploited in Nigeria, and the
goods is durable, it doesn’t get spoilt
with time. So what are you waiting
for? Rush now to have your own
Online SMS site and make some cool
cash daily.
The're are other ways of making it big
online like sport betting, selling of e-
books and information, being an
affiliate to either e-bay, amazon or
our own Jumia, creating a store, etc.
online like sport betting, selling of e-
books and information, being an
affiliate to either e-bay, amazon or
our own Jumia, creating a store, etc.
The next post will take care of the
other medium or ways to make
money online .
other medium or ways to make
money online .
If you have any question pertaining to the ways of making money online, use the
comment box below to let me know.
comment box below to let me know.
To your success. From Asingba Samuel
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